Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A drawing for you to enjoy

I really like this drawing
So Here I am on a Tuesday afternoon trying to be productive and only being mildly successful. I am also realizing how much I like Ray LaMontagne, his voice is so soothing reminiscence of jazz singers of old, if you don't know hime check him out.
Anyway an update on my life art wise. Augie hosted the South Dakota College Arts Conference last week, on thursday and Friday. The very intelligent and endlessly interesting James Elkins gave two lectures which were too short in my opinion. One was Religions place in Contemporary Art and the other What do Artists Know, which should have been titled this is what James Elkins knows because I was not aware I knew that stuff, just kidding, it was quite enlightening learning the backround of art education and where it is going. I was slightly crestfallen to find out that graduate schools are not accepting artists that are too skilled and that bachelor programs are attempting to deskill most artists. Glad to be at a school that doesn't do that. Besides the Lectures there were a variety of demonstrations throughout the art building. I was lucky enough to attend the mezzotinting demonstration and a glimpse at some of the ceramics. I honestly could go on forever about those two days but I have alot to do and will actually keep posting to this blog I swears.
Til we meet again.